$2,260,150 awarded in scholarships since 1949.

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Make a Difference

Scholarship funds are raised through individual and business contributions, as well as from our endowment fund. As a 501(c)(3), all donations are tax-deducible. In addition to private donations, we work with local foundations, including the Ellen Knowles Harcourt Foundation to screen applicants and award scholarships on their behalf.

The JPMSF can also act as a selection committee on behalf of local business and individuals that would like to support a student or honor someone’s memory. Ongoing scholarships include the memories of Tim Conn and Michael LePage.

Businesses and individuals that donate over $1000 can get recognition at New Milford High School’s Scholarship Night.

All donations help eligible college and trade-school-bound students achieve their goals of higher education.

Established by former students, the John Pettibone Memorial Scholarship Fund was originally held at the office of J. Leo Murphy. Founding members included Mrs. A. E. Ambler, Mrs. Norman Dube, Benjamin Stone, and Howard Peck.
